Circleville Middle School

Advisor - Mrs. Powers

7th and 8th grade students are invited into NJHS based on grade point average of 3.5 or better and honor roll standing.  A list of eligible students is printed after the 3rd nine weeks grading period. 

NJHS is based on leadership, service, and character as well as on academic achievement.  Everts Middle School faculty members will evaluate all eligible 7th and 8th graders.  Applications will be available starting April 12th for those that meet qualifications.

Inductions into NJHS will be held May 12th.  Seventh grade students that are inducted are required to participate in meetings and leadership/community activities their 8th grade year.  Some of the service learning activities include, but are not limited to; Back to School dance, Veteran's Day essay contest for 5th graders, class t-shirt for 8th grade, talent show, adopt a family, Head Start Easter Egg Hunt, Right to Read Week with kindergarten and Earth Day. 

Contact Mrs. Powers at ,if there have any questions.

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