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Mrs. Lisa Heins
Lisa Heins, Curriculum and Assessment Director


Welcome administrators, teachers, students, families and community members,

Thank you for visiting the e-curriculum webpage for Circleville City Schools. The main purpose of this page is to share information and/or planning that impacts curriculum for Circleville teachers and students. We believe the term curriculum to be synonymous with student achievement. All study, planning and decision making in the department of curriculum have one main goal and that is to positively impact achievement for our students.

The role of curriculum director is multifaceted. It includes a number of administrative tasks from staff recruitment and hiring to budget oversight. We consult with principals and teachers on matters of curriculum, instruction, and assessment. We work on grants, provide community outreach, and lead staff professional development programs. While managing these tasks, curriculum directors do focus on their most important task:  providing the highest quality learning opportunities possible for all students and ensuring ongoing improvements in achievement for all students.

Curriculum is the what, the why, and the how of the classroom. What do we want children to know, understand, and be able to do? Why do we choose one set of learning standards as opposed to another?  What is the best way for children to learn? How will we know if the children have reached the performance standard set for them?  These are the questions for which curriculum directors are responsible. Working with teachers, parents, and administrators, curriculum director’s plan, coordinate, organize, and articulate the curriculum, instructional practices, and assessment plans for their disciplines.

We hope you find this page and its links helpful. Articles, research, professional development, events, approved planning, important links, etc. will be posted here regularly for review that addresses these statements and open-ended questions about curriculum for our teachers and students. Your comments are welcome.


Lisa Heins, Curriculum and Assessment Director for PreK-12

740-474-4340 Ext. 48106



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